Afgangsprojekt by Tobias Peter Kristensen



Tobias Peter Kristensen
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type


Når børn leger med figurer, spiller scenografien en vigtig rolle. Om det er et fremtidsscenarie, en hverdagssituation eller noget helt tredje, der udspringer af fantasien. Som barn oplevede designeren ofte frustration over, ikke at have de rette produkter til selv at iscenesætte leg med figurer. Nu har han rådet bod på barndommens frustration og grundlagt ideen til et modulært legetøjssystem, hvor børn selv kan skabe scener og terræn omkring de forskellige figurer, de leger med. Konceptet er på en og samme tid enkelt at lege med, men kompleksiteten kan øges og gøres mere udfordrende afhængigt at barnets ønsker og behov.

When children play with figures, the set design plays an important role – whether it's a future scenario, an everyday situation or something else entirely that springs from the imagination. As a child, the designer often experienced frustration at not having the right products to stage his play with figures himself. Now he has compensated for the frustration of his childhood and conceived the idea for a modular toy system where children themselves can create the scenery and the terrain around the various figures they play with. On one hand the concept is simple to play with, but the complexity can be increased and made more challenging depending on the child's wishes and needs.

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