Afgangsprojekt by Nicolaj Lyngsø Sørensen



Nicolaj Lyngsø Sørensen
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type


Den moderne racercykel er designet til topatleter og det er vigtigt at anerkende, at cykelsporten ikke kun handler om konkurrence og professionel præstation, men også om motion og oplevelser i naturen. Derfor har designeren designet en cykel til motionister i aldersgruppen 30-60 år til træning, motionscykelløb og bikepacking i varierende terræn. Formålet er at skabe en cykel, der er tilpasset brugerens behov, og som kan give dem mulighed for at køre stærkere, præstere deres bedste og opleve mere.

The modern racing bike is designed for top athletes; however, it is important to recognize that cycling is not just about competition and professional performance, but also about exercise and experiences in nature. Therefore, the designer has created a bike for fitness enthusiasts in the 30-60 age group suitable for training, exercise bike racing and bikepacking in variable terrains. The aim is to design a bike that is adapted to the users’ needs and will enable them to ride harder, perform at their best and have more fulfilling experiences.

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