Afgangsprojekt by Marie Louise Rahbek



Marie Louise Rahbek
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


Designerens udgangspunkt var egentlig at skabe bedre trivsel og læring i folkeskolen specifikt for børn med en autismespektrumforstyrrelse. Men hun fandt ud af, at en del af løsningen er at øge forståelsen og trivslen blandt børnene generelt. Derfor har hun skabt et fælles-elev-forståelses-opslagsværk, som kan give skolens medarbejdere bedre kendskab til hver enkelt elevs udfordringer og interesser. Værktøjet letter også overleveringsmøder, klasseskift og kommunikation med elever og deres forældre. Projektet har til formål at skabe en inkluderende praksis og støtte undervisere og pædagoger i at rumme elevernes forskellige behov.

The designer’s starting point was to create better well-being and learning in primary schools specifically for children with an autism spectrum disorder. But she found out that part of the solution is to increase understanding and well-being among the children in general. That is why she has created a joint student understanding reference work, which can give the school's staff better knowledge of each individual student's challenges and interests. The tool also facilitates handover meetings, class changes and communication with students and their parents. The project aims to create an inclusive practice and support teachers and pedagogues in accommodating the students' different needs so that they can achieve well-being.

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