Afgangsprojekt by Tabita Radich Knak



Tabita Radich Knak
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


Vi lever i en verden, hvor vi eksisterer parallelt med data og databehandling. Vi siger "ja" til cookies, tysser på Siri og kører Tesla. Alt hvad vi gør, efterlader digitale fodaftryk. Vores forhold til data er præget af såkaldt "digital resignation", vi oplever, at det er skræmmende og komplekst, samtidigt med, at vi føler os ude af stand til at gøre noget ved det. Det er baggrunden for, at designeren har skabt et billedsprog, der forklarer, hvordan data skabes, med hvem det deles og hvor det ender henne.

The world in which we live exists in parallel with data and data processing. We accept cookies, tell Siri to be quiet and drive Tesla cars. Everything we do leaves digital footprints. Our relationship to data is characterized by so-called "digital resignation." We find it scary and complex, at the same time we feel powerless to do anything about it. This is the reason why the designer has created a visual language that explains how data is created, with whom it is shared and where it ends up.

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Social media cookies allows us to integrate with well known social media platforms with the purpose of a mixture of marketing, statistics and social interactions on the third party platform.
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