
Signe Sjøstrand
Line of study
Design for Planet
Industrial Design
Project type


Designeren ønsker at hjælpe andre designere og designvirksomheder med at identificere bæredygtige metoder, som er nemme at implementere i deres arbejde. Derfor har hun interviewet 12 forskellige aktører inden for branchen, og afdækket deres udfordringer og forventninger til fremtiden. Designeren har valgt at arbejde med rest-reduktion eller “precycling”, hvor man hindrer restmaterialer i at opstå ved kilden. Hun ønsker at vise et ansvarligt og velovervejet bud på minimalisme, hvor optimeringen af materiale er i fokus.

The designer’s goal is to help other designers and design companies identify sustainable approaches that are easy to implement in their work. Hence, she has interviewed 12 different actors within the industry and uncovered their challenges and expectations for the future. The designer has chosen to work with residual reduction or "precycling", which prevents the generation of residual materials right at the source. She intends to offer a responsible and well-considered take on minimalism, focusing on the optimization of material.


Signe Sjøstrand

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