
Emily Fromhage
Line of study
Design for Play
Communication Design
Project type


At skabe er et menneskeligt behov, men det kan ind imellem være svært at udtrykke dele af sig selv gennem ord. Derfor har designeren udviklet ’More than Words’ - en bog til visuel og legende selvreflektion. En bog designet til voksne, der ønsker at lære mere om sine egne følelser ved at udtrykke sig kunstnerisk via en legende tilgang. Bogen fungerer som et frirum, hvor der ikke er et ’rigtigt’ eller ’forkert’, og hvor alle regler kan brydes eller tilføjes.

To create is a human need, but it can sometimes be difficult to express parts of oneself through words. Therefore, the designer has developed 'More than Words' - a book for visual and playful self-reflection. A book designed for adults who want to learn more about their own emotions by expressing themselves artistically through a playful approach. The book serves as a free space where there is no 'right' or 'wrong', and where all rules can be broken or added.


Emily Fromhage

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