Afgangsprojekt by Esben Fjord Ørskov



Esben Fjord Ørskov
Line of study
Design for Play
Industrial Design
Project type


I en travl hverdag er det nemt at lade sig opsluge af stress og jag. Så nemt, at man ofte glemmer at stoppe op og anerkende betydningen af de små pauser i vores daglige rutiner. Med sit projekt ønsker designeren at hylde de små øjeblikke i hverdagen, og har arbejdet med pauser som en slags ritualer, der skal hjælpe os med at dyrke de gode oplevelser og værne om vores relationer til hinanden. For at markere ritualet, har designeren arbejdet med lys og skabt en lampe, der markerer overgangen fra hverdagen til ritualet.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it is easy to be overwhelmed by stress and haste – so easy that you often forget to pause and acknowledge the importance of the small breaks in our daily routines. With his project, the designer wants to pay tribute to these small moments in everyday life. Hence, he has worked with breaks as a type of rituals that are meant to help us cultivate the positive experiences and cherish our relationships with each other. In order to mark the ritual, the designer has worked with light and has created a lamp that marks the transition from everyday life to the ritual.


Esben Fjord Ørskov

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