
Julie Krebs
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


Hvordan formidler man bæredygtige tiltag i byerne i børnehøjde? Med dette nye undervisningsmateriale til grundskolen vil designeren øge børns bevidsthed om bæredygtighed og grøn omstilling. Virtual Reality skal engagere børnene og gøre undervisningen legende og anderledes. Undervisningsmaterialet er også tilpasset gruppearbejde i klasserne for at støtte fællesskab og leg.

How do you convey sustainable urban initiatives at a level suitable for children? With this new teaching material for primary school, the designer wants to increase children's awareness of sustainability and green transition. Virtual Reality is used to engage the children and make the instruction playful and out of the ordinary. The teaching material has also been adapted to in-class group work in order to promote community and play.

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