Afgangsprojekt by Nina Sofia Gjødsbøl Rüder



Nina Sofia Gjødsbøl Rüder
Line of study
Design for Play
Industrial Design
Project type


Der mangler et sted at hænge ud for unge indlagte på Aalborg Universitetshospitals Børne- og Ungeafdeling, der i stil med andre hospitaler bør gøre noget særligt for unge, der let bliver en del af en "børnet" børneafdeling. Det stod klart for designeren, der igennem interviews, observationer og workshops med unge patienter fandt ud af, at de savner et sted at kunne være sammen med andre jævnaldrende i lignende situationer. Løsningen er en rumlig installation, blottet for det kliniske hospitalsudtryk, og som med en legende atmosfære motiverer de unge til at finde sammen med ligesindede.

The designer has come to the conclusion that Aalborg University Hospital's Children and Adolescent Department is in need of a place for young patients to hang out. Like other hospitals, AUH ought to do something special for adolescents, who are easily considered part of a "childish" children's department. Through interviews, observations, and workshops with young patients she realized that they miss a place to be with other adolescents in similar situations. The solution is a spatial installation, devoid of the clinical hospital expression, but with a playful atmosphere that motivates young people to get together with their peers.

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