Balanced Brands Framework by Marina Almanstötter



Marina Almanstötter
Line of study
Design for People
Communication Design
Project type


Medielandskabet er fyldt med brands, der gerne søsætter storslåede kampagner med fokus på klima, køn, seksualitet, miljø, inklusion og andre temaer, der vækker sympati og i sidste ende generer forretning. Men ofte er der en afgrund mellem kommunikationen og den reelle praksis, virksomheden selv udlever. Derfor har designeren i samarbejde med bureauet Karl Anders udviklet et værktøj, hvor virksomheden kan identificere de problematiske modsætninger, og udvikle en strategi for, hvordan de gode intentioner rent faktisk kan blive udfoldet i virkeligheden.

The media landscape is teeming with brands that are eager to launch magnificent campaigns focusing on climate, gender, sexuality, the environment, inclusion and other themes that arouse sympathy and ultimately generate business. But often there is a huge gap between the communication and the reality that the company practices. That is the reason the designer, in collaboration with the agency Karl Anders, has developed a tool through which the company can identify the problematic contradictions and develop a strategy for how the good intentions can actually be developed in reality.

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