BORDERS: A LINE OR A LIE? by Larissa Berghofer



Larissa Berghofer
Line of study
Design for People
Industrial Design
Project type


Begreberne Migration, Hjemstavn og Identitet diskuteres konstant i politik og medier. Og hvor Migration ofte bringer voldsomt negative og fordømmende associationer med sig, forbindes Hjemstavnen med alt fra sentimental romantik til ekstrem nationalisme. Fælles for begreberne er dog, at de begge handler om at identificere sig med én gruppe ved at skabe distance til andre. Designeren har skabt en række genstande, der viser de ekstremt vanskelige omstændigheder og den ekskluderende følelse, der kendetegner migrationsprocessen.

Migration, Homeland and Identity are frequently debated topics in politics and in the media. But whereas Migration often invokes fiercely negative and judgemental associations, Homeland is associated with everything from sentimental romanticism to extreme nationalism. What these concepts have in common, however, is that the purpose is to identify with one group by distancing oneself from others. The designer has created a series of artefacts that show the extremely difficult circumstances and the feeling of exclusion that is a hallmark of the migration process.

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