Childish fashion and playful aesthetics by Diana-Maria Cercel



Diana-Maria Cercel
Line of study
Design for Play

Childish fashion and playful aesthetics

HVAD? Koncept og modekollektion som inviterer indenfor i børnenes farverige, glade og legende univers.

HVORDAN? Ved at bruge undersøgende og involverende designmetoder har Diana-Maria Cercel engageret børn i den kreative proces som inspiratorer og co-designere og dermed givet dem en sjælden stemme i skabelsen af modedesign.

HVORFOR? Med en bachelorgrad i modedesign og en overbygning i Play Design var det oplagt for Diana-Maria Cercel at udvikle sit designer-DNA i krydsfeltet mellem de to områder og samtidig berige modeindustrien med en legende æstetik.

WHAT? A concept and fashion collection that invites you into the colorful, joyful and playful universe of children.

HOW? Using explorative and participatory design methods, Diana-Maria Cercel has involved children in the creative process as inspirators and co-designers, giving them a rare voice in the making of fashion design.

WHY? With a BA in Fashion Design and a MA in Play Design, Diana-Maria Cercel wanted to develop her personal design DNA in the intersection between the two fields while also bringing some playful aesthetics to the fashion industry.

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