
Randall Kenneth Heath
Line of study
Design for Play
Givskud Zoo og Havbro school - Vesthimmerlands municipality


MA Design for Play

HVAD? Chrysalis er en mini-arena designet til at facilitere et interaktivt læringsrum for gæsterne i Givskud Zoo, hvor de kan blive klogere på FN’s 17 verdensmål.

HVORDAN? Konceptet tager afsæt i et designbaseret forskningperspektiv på udeskole-undervisning, lege-centreret læring og oplevelsesteori. Sammen med Havbro Efterskole har Randall Kenneth Heath udviklet legende interventioner med henblik på at sammensætte et bredere designsprog gennem fortolkningsorienterede ordassociationslege.

HVORFOR? Der er brug for mere elevbaseret læring som skaber plads til leg, fællesskab og engagement blandt børn i de mindre klasser.

WHAT? We need more student-based learning with fellowship in leaning, high engagement and room to play for students in primary school.

HOW? The concept was produced with a design-based research approach focusing on outdoor education, play based learning, and the theories of perception and experience. Randall Kenneth Heathdeveloped playful interventions with Havbro Friskole to assemble a broader design vocabulary with the use of interpretive word association games.

WHY? Chrysalis is mini arena designed to facilitate an interactive environment for teaching Givskud Zoo guests the 17 points of the United Nations sustainable development goals.

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