Conscious, clothes, consumption by Michelle Pedersen and Anja Refslund Ladefoged



Michelle Pedersen and Anja Refslund Ladefoged
Line of study
Design for Planet
Fashion Design
Textile Design
Project type


Selvom de færreste forbrugere har et reelt billede af, hvor ressourcekrævende tøjproduktion er, stiller flere og flere krav til modeindustrien om, at tøjets bæredygtighed forbedres. Og EU går nu samme vej med lanceringen af en ny strategi for bæredygtige og genanvendelige tekstiler. Her har de to designere udviklet et modulært tøjkoncept, hvor forskellige dele af en beklædningsgenstand kan skiftes ud, så tøjets fleksibilitet og levetid øges. Projektet er udviklet med inddragelse af forbrugere og medarbejdere fra tøjbrandet Minimum for at sikre målgruppens opbakning.

Most consumers have no idea of how resource-intensive clothing production really is. Nonetheless, more and more people are demanding that the fashion industry improve the sustainability of their products. The EU is now following suit by launching a new strategy for sustainable and recyclable textiles. In this context the two designers have developed a modular clothing concept, in which the different parts of a garment can be replaced, which enhances its flexibility and longevity. The project has been developed with the participation of consumers and employees from the clothing brand Minimum in order to ensure support from the target group.

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