En følelse af hjem gennem co-design / Co-designing a sense of home by Lisa Adele Rogersdotter



Lisa Adele Rogersdotter
Line of study
Design for People
Textile Design
Project type


Mennesker med psykiske vanskeligheder kan være særligt sensitive over for de stimuli, de oplever i indretningen af rum. Derfor har designeren gennemført en række workshops på det socialpsykiatriske døgncenter Marielund, hvor hun har involveret beboerne i designprocessen. Deres drømme og ideér har dannet grundlag for indretningen af et fællesrum samt udviklingen af en række stedspecifikke tapetdesigns, der understøtter beboernes forskellige behov og ønsker om et hjemligt levested.

People with mental health issues may be particularly sensitive to the stimuli they experience in the design of spaces. Therefore, the designer has conducted a series of workshops at the social psychiatric residential centre Marielund, where she has involved the residents in the design process. Their dreams and ideas have formed the basis for the design of a common room as well as the development of a number of site-specific wallpaper designs that support the residents' various needs and desires for a homely place to live.

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