En forbindelse mellem mennesker og klimaforandringer / A connection between people and climate change by Caroline Nicholaisen Bille



Caroline Nicholaisen Bille
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type


Klimaforandringerne er en del af vores fortid, nutid og især fremtid. Men noget tyder på, at vi har en tendens til at stikke hovedet i busken, når vi ikke ser og mærker de drastiske konsekvenser med egne øjne og krop. Det stik modsatte er tilfældet i andre dele af verden, for eksempel Island, hvor landets 400 gletchere er under nedsmeltning og formodentlig er væk om 200 år. Derfor vælger designeren at formidle de smeltende gletchere gennem form og sanser, og dermed skabe en forbindelse mellem os og klimakrisen – som et opråb mod vores passivitet.

Climate change is part of our past, our present and especially our future. But there is every indication that we tend to bury our heads in the sand when we see no drastic consequences of climate change with our own eyes nor feel them on our own body. The exact opposite is the case in other parts of the world, for example in Iceland, where the country's 400 glaciers are melting and will probably have vanished in 200 years. Therefore, as a protest against our passivity, the designer has chosen to convey the notion of melting glaciers through form and senses, thus creating a connection between us and the climate crisis.

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