En form for et møbel by Ida Lønne



Ida Lønne
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type

En form for et møbel

Industrielt design / BA

En form for et møbel
For at der kan opstå en emotionel og meningsfuld forbindelse mellem bruger og objekt skal form, materialer, teknikker og produktion gå op i en højere enhed. Den synergi italesætter møblet Malik, som Ida Lønne har manipuleret frem med en æstetisk tilgang til et industrielt materiale, nemlig en støbt akrylplade. Inspireret af vands blødhed og hårdhed har hun skabt et skulpturelt siddemøbel, der balancerer mellem design og kunst.

A form of furniture
Establishing an emotional and meaningful connection between user and object requires that form, materials, techniques and production come together as a whole. That synergy is present in ‘Malik’, a furniture piece that Ida Lønne has manipulated into being by applying an aesthetic approach to an industrial material, specifically a cast acrylic sheet. Inspired by the softness and hardness of water, she has created a sculptural piece of seating furniture that balances between design and art.

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