Er bæredygtighed bæredygtigt nok? Is sustainability sustainable enough? by Asger Vedel Hvas Olsen



Asger Vedel Hvas Olsen
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type


Begrebet bæredygtighed er ofte i fare for at blive udvandet – eller endda misbrugt. Derfor har designeren udviklet en kollektion af lamper som en kritisk kommentar til, hvordan vi som forbrugere og virksomheder skal tænke og handle bæredygtigt. Det handler blandt andet om holdbarhed, kvalitet, brug af genbrugsmaterialer, i dette tilfælde læder doneret af virksomheden Mogens Hansen, og om muligheden for at recirkulere elementerne igen og igen. Herigennem demonstrerer designeren hvordan vi skal praktisere bæredygtigt forbrug i fremtiden.

The concept of sustainability is often in danger of being diluted – or even misused. Therefore, the designer has developed a collection of lamps as a critical commentary on how we as consumers and companies ought to think and act sustainably. It is, among other things, a matter of durability, quality and use of recycled materials, in this case leather donated by the company Mogens Hansen, as well as the possibility of reusing the components again and again. In this way, the designer demonstrates how sustainable consumption should be practiced in the future.

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