Et inspirationsværktøj til legende, engagerende og medbestemmende børneinterviews / An inspirational tool for playful, engaging and participatory child Interviews by Cæcilie Hertzum Laursen



Cæcilie Hertzum Laursen
Line of study
Design for Play
Communication Design
Project type


Hvis vi vil vide, hvordan produkter til børn bliver modtaget, må vi spørge eksperterne selv. Børn er eksperter i at være børn, og ingen kan give mere meningsfulde inputs til produkter til børn, end børnene selv. Designeren er imidlertid kritisk over for en traditionel interviewproces i evalueringen af et produkt, og derfor udfordrer hun det etablerede interview-format for at skabe et mere legende og børnefokuseret format, der gør selve interviewprocessen mere engagerende for børn i alderen 4-7 år, og giver børnene mulighed for at være medbestemmende over interviewet.

If we want to know how products designed for children are being received, we must ask the experts themselves. Children are experts at being children, and no one can offer more meaningful inputs regarding products for children than the children themselves. However, the designer is critical of the traditional interview process used in the evaluation of a product. Hence, she challenges the established interview format and has created a more playful and child-focused structure that makes the interview process itself more engaging for children aged 4-7 years; it also gives the children an opportunity to have a say in the interview process.

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