Et sanseligt rum til den barske hospitalsoplevelse by Marie Louise Møller Skov



Marie Louise Møller Skov
Line of study
Design for Play
Communication Design
Project type

Et sanseligt rum til den barske hospitalsoplevelse

Communication Design / Design for Play / MA

Et sanseligt rum til den barske hospitalsoplevelse
Et hospitalsophold, ikke mindst en operation, er ofte en angstprovokerende og traumatiserende oplevelse for et barn. Med erfaringerne fra sygdom i sin egen familie har Marie Louise Møller Skov sammen med Horsens Hospital skabt en børnevenlig opvågningsstue. Her kan barnet vågne op til leg og sanseoplevelser med lys og lyd, og endda selv forme oplevelsen, og føle sig i kontrol over omgivelserne.

A sensuous space to mitigate the hospital experience
A hospital stay, not least an operation, is often a scary and traumatizing experience for a child. Based on experience from health issues in her own family, Marie Louise Møller Skov has worked with Horsens Hospital to create a child-friendly recovery room. Here, the child can wake up to play and sensory experiences based on light and sound and even shape the experience and thus gain a sense of control over the environment.

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