Fælleshuset / The Common House by Nina Gantriis Møller



Nina Gantriis Møller
Line of study
Communication design
Project type

Fælleshuset / The Common House

Det udsatte boligområde Bispehaven er i gang med en transformation, der skal forbedre levevilkårene i bydelen ved at skabe mere tryghed, forbedre beboernes trivsel og få flere i arbejde. Hvis planen skal lykkes, kræver det imidlertid, at beboerne byder ind på fællesskabet, herunder aktiviteterne i det nyopførte ’Fælleshuset’. Derfor vil designeren i samarbejde med Østjysk Bolig udvikle en kampagne og et tilhørende website, der skal styrke beboernes tilhørsforhold til fælleshuset og skabe bedre mulighed for kommunikation.

The vulnerable residential area Bispehaven in Aarhus is undergoing a transformation that is meant to improve the living conditions in the district by creating more security, improving the well-being of the residents and assuring that more people join the labour force. If the plan is to succeed, however, it requires that the residents are willing to join the community, and participate in the activities in the newly built community centre, 'Fælleshuset'. In collaboration with Østjysk Bolig, the designer wants to develop a campaign and an associated website that should strengthen the residents' affiliation with the community centre and create better opportunities for communication.

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