Foranderlighed med god samvittighed / Change with a good conscience by Caroline Warmdahl Bock and Marie Jakobsen



Caroline Warmdahl Bock and Marie Jakobsen
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


Den globale modeindustri står for hele ti procent af verdens samlede CO2-udledning, og vi er som forbrugere med til at problemet vokser. Dog har vi som mennesker behov for at udtrykke os gennem vores påklædning, og mode skal derfor ikke afskaffes, men gentænkes i cirkulære baner. Dette projekt vender fortællingen om genbrugstøj fra Røde Kors på hovedet, så forbrugeren kommer i fokus; genbrugstøj er ikke bare noget, vi donerer, men noget vi køber. Det foranderlige, eksperimenterende og unikke genbrugstøj skal synliggøres i bybilledet og blive det oplagte og bevidste valg.

The global fashion industry is responsible for ten percent of the world’s CO2 emissions, and as consumers we are contributing to the problem. However, as people we have a need to express ourselves through clothes. So, we must not dispense of fashion, we must rethink it and accelerate the transition to a circular future. This project turns the story of recycled clothing from the Red Cross upside down by putting the consumer at the centre. Recycled clothing is not just something we donate, but something we buy. Changeable, experimenting, and unique recycled clothes must become visible and become the obvious and conscious choice.

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