Forstå dine fordele som frivillig by Laura Reng



Laura Reng
Line of study
Communication design
Project type

Forstå dine fordele som frivillig

Kommunikationsdesign / BA

Forstå dine fordele som frivillig Laura Reng hepper på de mange tusinde danskere, der gør en kæmpe indsats som frivillige rundt omkring i landets idrætsforeninger. Og hun vil gerne hjælpe de frivillige med at udnytte alle de kompetencer, de får gennem arbejdet. Derfor har hun sammen med Emil Smedegaard fra Faceoff designet en workshop med en række værktøjer, som skal åbne deltagernes øjne for alle mulighederne – og måske lokke endnu flere frivillige til.

Become aware of your opportunities as a volunteer
Laura Reng roots for the thousands of Danes who make a huge effort as volunteers in sports clubs all over the country. She wants to help the volunteers to take advantage of all the competencies they gain through their work. In collaboration with Emil Smedegaard from Faceoff, she has designed a workshop that offers a set of tools intended to make the participants aware of all their opportunities – and perhaps attract even more volunteers.

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