Forstå mig nu! / Please understand who I am! by Julia Christensen



Julia Christensen
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


Som barn kan det være svært at beskrive, hvordan man har det, og det er endnu sværere, hvis man lever med et usynligt handicap som ADHD. 2-3% af danske skolebørn har ADHD, der blandt andet kan betyde, at barnet har vanskeligt ved at koncentrere sig i længere tid ad gangen. I dette projekt undersøger designeren, hvordan man kan hjælpe voksne med at forstå, hvordan det er at have ADHD fra et barns perspektiv. Projektet bruger animation som værktøj til at give forældre, pårørende, undervisere og barnet selv bedre forståelse for barnets handicap.

Children have a hard time expressing their feelings, and it becomes even more difficult if they suffer from an invisible disability such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Two to three per cent of Danish school children have ADHD, which may mean that the child has difficulty concentrating for longer periods at a time. In this project, the designer explores ways to help adults understand what it is like to have ADHD from a child's perspective. The project uses animation as a tool to give parents, relatives, teachers and the child herself a better understanding of her disability.

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