Fra modtager til medspiller / From recipient to co-creator by Runa Eggers Rossau



Runa Eggers Rossau
Line of study
Design for People
Communication Design
Project type


Når en skolelærer, pædagog eller sygeplejerske i Vejle ser, at et barn mistrives, er det Modtagerteamet ved Familie- og Handicapafdelingen, der modtager bekymringen i form af en underretning. De indkalder barnets familie og netværk til et møde, hvor de i fællesskab skal forstå barnets situation, og finde ud af hvilken støtte kommunen kan give til familien. For mange familier er systemet og processen uigennemsigtigt, og det kommunale sprog kan virke uforståeligt eller hårdt. Derfor har Runa Eggers Rossau designet en service, som klæder forældrene på til mødet, og skabt værktøjer til et effektivt og ligeværdigt samarbejde mellem forældre og kommune.

When a school teacher, an educator or a nurse in the city of Vejle encounters a child that is obviously not thriving, the Reception Team at the Family and Disability Department receives the disconcerting information in the form of a notification. The team convenes the child's family and network for a meeting in order to reach a common understanding of the child's situation and explore what support the municipality can provide to the family. For many families, the system as well as the process is opaque, and the municipal language can seem incomprehensible or harsh. Runa Eggers Rossau has therefore designed a service that equips the parents for the meeting, and she has created tools for an effective and equitable method of collaboration between parents and the municipality.

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