Godnat og sov godt by Lisbeth Reitz



Lisbeth Reitz
Line of study
Design for People
Textile Design
Project type

Godnat og sov godt

Design for People / Tekstildesign / MA

Godnat og sov godt
Mellem 10 og 20 procent af danskere lider af kronisk søvnløshed. Den manglende søvn øger risikoen for både depression, livsstilssygdomme og for tidlig død. Samtidigt, peger kvalitative studier på, at mennesker med kronisk søvnløshed ikke får den behandling, de har brug for, og efterlades frustrerede i det etablerede sundhedssystem. Derfor har Lisbeth Reitz udviklet en ny og mere anerkendende tilgang til mennesker med kronisk søvnløshed, der åbner op for mere dybdegående indsigter og danner grundlag for bedre at kunne hjælpe den enkelte til at sove bedre.

Good night and sleep tight
Ten to twenty per cent of Danes suffer from chronic sleeplessness. Lack of sleep is known to increase the risk of depression, lifestyle diseases and premature death. Furthermore, qualitative studies suggest that people with chronic sleep problems are not receiving the treatment they need and are left frustrated by the established healthcare system. To address this, Lisbeth Reitz has developed a new and more appreciative approach to people suffering from chronic sleeplessness that enables more in-depth insights and offers a better basis for offering individual solutions.

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