Gymnastiksalens hyldest / A tribute to the gymnasium by Asbjørn Ølgaard



Asbjørn Ølgaard
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type


Barndommens gymnastiksal vækker stærke minder hos de fleste af os – det højloftede rum, ribberne og den særlige æstetik, der har dannet rammerne for timevis af idræt og leg. Designeren har besøgt utallige folkeskoler og deres gymnastiksale, og udviklet en billedsamling med sine indtryk herfra. Med den som udgangspunkt har han skabt et siddemøbel, som tager afsæt i dette klassiske og stemningsfyldte rum. Med møblet ønsker han at hylde den klassiske gymnastiksal og den folkelige danske idrætskultur, som så mange af os har været en del af.

The gymnasium of our childhood evokes strong memories in most of us – the high-ceilinged space, the wall bars and the special aesthetics that have formed the framework for hours of sports and play. The designer has visited countless primary schools and their gymnasiums and has created a collection of images consisting of his impressions from these spaces. Using that as a starting point, he has designed a seating unit that is based on this classic and evocative space. With this piece of furniture, he wants to pay tribute to the classic gymnasium and the popular Danish sports culture, in which so many of us have participated.

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