Inkluderende seksualundervisning på skoleskemaet by Jacob Ackey Wolf



Jacob Ackey Wolf
Line of study
Design for Play
Communication Design
Project type

Inkluderende seksualundervisning på skoleskemaet

Communication Design / Design for Play / MA

Inkluderende seksualundervisning på skoleskemaet
Rigtig mange skoleelever, der identificerer sig som LGBTQ+ trives væsentlig dårligere end deres kammerater. Derfor skal seksualundervisningen i skolerne være mere inkluderende og aftabuisere emnet. Jacob Ackey Wolf har med LGBTQ+ Danmark designet et undervisningssæt med spil, illustrationer og guides, som læreren kan bruge til at gøre undervisningen sjovere, mere legende, mere empatisk og fagligt funderet.

Inclusive sex education in school
Many schoolchildren who identify as LGBTQ+ have significantly poorer well-being than their schoolmates. To address this, sex education in school needs to be more inclusive to destigmatize the topic. Together with LGBT+ Danmark, Jacob Ackey Wolf has designed a teaching kit with a game, illustrations and guides, which teachers can use to make the education more fun, playful, empathetic and fact-based.

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