
Mathis Meilby Nielsen
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


‘Lotte’ er computerspillet om døden – hvor man ikke kan dø. Designeren har opkaldt spillet efter sin mors afdøde veninde, Lotte, og udforsker her, hvordan man kan genskabe et minde digitalt. Han har minimeret brugen af traditionelle virkemidler og redskaber som billeder og tekst, og forsøger i stedet at skabe et narrativ gennem spil og temaer som eventyrlighed. Spillet prøver således at indramme essensen af et menneske igennem de handlinger, spilleren foretager sig. Spillet er udviklet i samarbejde med Esben Kjær Ravn fra spilfirmaet Kong Orange.

‘Lotte’ is a computer game about death – where one cannot die. The designer has named the game after his mother's deceased friend, Lotte, and is exploring how to recreate a memory digitally. He has minimized the use of traditional means and tools such as images and text and instead tries to create a narrative through games and themes such as fantasy. The objective of the game is to frame the essence of a human being through the actions that the player undertakes. The game has been developed in collaboration with Esben Kjær Ravn from the game company Kong Orange.

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