Materialer i et nyt lys by Jonas Lewis Junkel



Jonas Lewis Junkel
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type

Materialer i et nyt lys

Industrielt design / BA

Materialer i et nyt lys
Vi kommer til at spise mindre kød. Det betyder også faldende efterspørgsel på dyrefoder, og dermed kommer industrien til at stå med mere restmateriale, end den kan afsætte. Den problematik imødegår Jonas Lewis Junkel ved at udvikle et alternativt biomateriale af restprodukter fra bl.a. øl- og rapsolieproduktion. Det nye materiale består primært af rapskage, mask, vand, jordpigmenter og en komposterbar binder, der bl.a. kan bruges til at fremstille unikke lampeskærme.

Materials in a new light
Our meat consumption is going to go down. One implication of that is a drop in demand for animal feed, which in turn leaves industry with an amount of waste material that exceeds market demand. Jonas Lewis Junkel has taken on this challenge by developing an alternative biomaterial based on waste from the production of beer and rapeseed oil, among other products. The new material consists mainly of rapeseed cake, mash, water, earth pigments and a compostable binder that can be used for a variety of purposes, including unique lampshades.

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