Mit digitale tvilling / My digital twin by Francesca Rose Bilancio Schøning



Francesca Rose Bilancio Schøning
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


Når du er på internettet og bruger sociale medier, shopper eller logger på din netbank, deler du dine private oplysninger. Dine data bruges både til at målrette relevant markedsføring og til at påvirke større valg, du tager. Men hvilke oplysninger, du har afgivet gennem tiden, er svært at gennemskue og overskue. Designeren har derfor undersøgt sine egne data for at visualisere dem i en ’digital tvilling’. Digitale tvillinger er et værktøj, der viser summen af data, for enkelte data virker uskyldige at dele, men helheden er magtfuld.

When you are on the Internet, are using social media, are shopping or are logged on to your online bank account, you are sharing your private information. Your data is used to target relevant marketing and also to influence the more significant choices you make. But it is difficult to determine and have an overview of what information you have provided over time. The designer has therefore examined her own data in order to visualize it in a ‘digital twin’. ‘Digital twins’ is a tool that reveals all the data you have submitted, because individual data seems innocent enough to share, but the total sum of the data is powerful.

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