
Cille Sørensen
Line of study
Industrial Design
Project type

No Title

"I want to design a sensory stimulating product that creates a shared third experience, focusing on the present moment and the interaction between the person with dementia, caregivers, and relatives."

I takt med at der kommer flere og flere ældre i Danmark, vokser også gruppen af demensramte, og flere af dem kommer på plejehjem. Det er hårdt, både for personen med sygdommen, de pårørende og for plejepersonalet på plejehjemmene.

Men en positiv stimulering af sanserne kan være med til at give den demensramte flere gode stunder i hverdagen. Derfor har designeren udviklet en løsning, som stimulerer sanserne og skaber velvære hos de demensramte, som dermed får et bedre hverdagsliv på plejehjemmet.

No Title

"I want to design a sensory stimulating product that creates a shared third experience, focusing on the present moment and the interaction between the person with dementia, caregivers, and relatives."

As the number of seniors in Denmark steadily increases, the group of people with dementia is growing as well, and more and more end up in nursing homes. It is tough for those who suffer from the disease, for their relatives and also for the staff at the nursing homes.

But a positive stimulation of the senses can help give the person with dementia more good moments in his or her everyday life. The designer has developed a solution that stimulates the senses and creates well-being in the dementia sufferers, whose everyday life in the nursing home will be significantly improved.

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