Once you pop, you can’t stop by Snærún Tinna Torfadóttir



Snærún Tinna Torfadóttir
Line of study
Communication design
Project type


Popkultur er den fælles oplevelse af populære tv-serier, bøger, legetøj, musik og andre kulturelle produkter mellem almindelige mennesker i et bestemt samfund og en bestemt tid. For designeren bag dette kommunikationsprojekt har popkultur altid spillet en rolle ligesom for de fleste andre mennesker i dag. Popkultur fungerer som social kapital, der knytter mennesker sammen i venskaber, romantiske forhold og forretningsforbindelser. Designeren udforsker, hvordan vores muligheder for at skabe forbindelser via popkultur kan fremmes i fremtiden.

Pop-culture is the shared experience of popular TV shows, books, toys, music and other cultural products among regular people in a particular society, at a particular time. For the designer behind this communication project pop-culture has always been a part of life as it has been for most people. Pop-culture functions as a social currency that allows people to connect and create friendships, romantic relationships or even business connections. The designer explores how to enhance people’s ability to create connections via pop-culture in the future. 

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