OTI OTI The Soundeater by Pablo Andres Pedrosa



Pablo Andres Pedrosa
Line of study
Design for Play

OTI OTI The Soundeater

MA Design for Play

HVAD? Findes der noget bedre for en nysgerrig femårig end at udforske verden – med ørerne på stilke og fuld skrald på lyden? Med OTI OTI The Soundeater kan den unge udforsker lytte sig gennem sin verden ved hjælp af den sjove gule bille og et sæt billedkort.

HVORDAN? OTI OTI vibrerer, når barnet sætter legetøjet på en flade, og alt efter materialet – træ, glas, jord, metal – vil lyden ændre sig. Spillekortene inspirerer til at undersøge nye objekter, og udfordrer til at skabe nye lyde. Har du for eksempel prøvet at bygge et orkester-tårn af tomme gryder?

HVORFOR? Designerens egen passion for lyd og musik har vist ham, at musikalsk legetøj er den perfekte legende læringsform for børn omkring 4-6 år – og at deres oplevelser af verden hjælper dem til at udvikle nye kompetencer og gør dem til bedre verdensborgere.

WHAT? Is there anything better for a curious five-year-old than to explore the world – with ears pricked up and the sound turned up full blast? With OTI OTI The Soundeater the young explorer can listen her way through the world using the funny yellow beetle and a deck of picture cards.

HOW? OTI OTI vibrates when the child puts the toy on a surface, and depending on the material – wood, glass, earth, metal – the sound will change. The playing cards inspire the child to explore new objects, and challenge her to create new sounds. For example, have you tried building an orchestra tower out of empty pots and pans?

WHY? The designer's own passion for sound and music has convinced him that musical toys are the perfect playful instrument of learning for children between 4 and 6 years – and that their experiences of the world help them develop new skills making them better global citizens.

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