Papirbilletten erstattes af digitale oplevelser by David Yazdandoust



David Yazdandoust
Line of study
Communication design
Project type

Papirbilletten erstattes af digitale oplevelser

Kommunikationsdesign / BA

Papirbilletten erstattes af digitale oplevelser
Forestil dig, at den klassiske papirbillet til en koncert eller et teaterstykke erstattes af et engagerende digitalt univers af billeder, fortællinger, digitalt merchandise, filmklip eller playlister og nyttige informationer. Sammen med Feast Creative i London har David Yazdandoust designet den digitale service BreadCrumb, der pakker en fysisk begivenhed ind i værdifuldt digitalt content og dermed er med til at lagre vores minder om en oplevelse.

Replacing the paper ticket with digital experiences
Imagine that the traditional paper ticket for a concert or a play were replaced by an engaging digital universe of images, narratives, digital merchandise, film clips or playlists and useful information. In collaboration with Feast Creative in London, David Yazdandoust has designed the digital service BreadCrumb, which envelops a physical event in valuable digital content and thus helps preserve our memories and experiences.

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