Pop-Up Cake Facstory by Louissa Bulver



Louissa Bulver
Line of study
Design for Play
Industrial Design
Project type


Forestil dig en kage inspireret af dine egne historier. Det er idéen bag det legende værktøj Pop-Up Cake Facstory som designeren har lavet i samarbejde med Freddy’s café i Kolding. Som gæst i caféen fortæller man en eller flere historier, der siden omdannes til kager til deling med andre gæster. Hver måned udvælger caféen én af kreationerne og serverer den som månedens pop-up cake.

Imagine a cake inspired by your own stories. That’s the idea behind the playful Pop-Up Cake Facstory tool, which the designer has designed in collaboration with Freddy’s Café in Kolding. When you visit the café, you tell one or more stories that are transformed into cakes, which you then share with the other guests. Each month the café selects one of the creations and serves its as that month’s pop-up cake.

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