Resiliente fællesskaber / Crafting resilience by Carlo Enrico Spini



Carlo Enrico Spini
Line of study
Design for Planet
Communication Design
Project type


Hvad betyder bæredygtigt design egentlig? I dette projekt fokuserer designeren på den menneskelige komponent i bæredygtighed. Gennem en række workshops med medlemmer af fællesskabet Grobund, har designeren fundet støtte til sin konklusion, at bæredygtigt design består i fællesskabsbårne sociale forandringer og græsrodsinitiativer, der leder til miljømæssig innovation. Projektet peger særligt på potentialerne i ’resiliente fællesskaber’, der er bæredygtige, fordi de evner at tilpasse sig fremtidige udfordringer.

What does sustainable design really mean? This project argues that sustainability must be rooted in human relations. The designer has held a series of workshops with members of Grobund, a community in Ebeltoft, which led to the conclusion that sustainable design can be defined as collaborative social change and grassroot initiatives that lead to environmental innovation. The project particularly points to the potential of ‘resilient communities’ that are sustainable by virtue of their ability to adapt to future challenges.

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