Selvkærlighed / Self-love by Anne Sofie Sørensen



Anne Sofie Sørensen
Line of study
Fashion Design
Project type


Flere og flere mennesker udfordres af dårlig mental trivsel, og derfor ønsker designeren at sætte fokus på omsorg for selvet med sit design. Med udgangspunkt i en dialog med sine omgivelser har hun søgt inspiration til den selvkærlige handling, og ladet sine observationer styre den designfaglige proces. Resultatet er en kollektion til kvinder i alderen 25-35, som er en alder, hvor man ofte udfordres på eksistentielle temaer som karriere, familieplaner, tab og sygdom. Kollektionen afspejler den sindstilstand, som disse temaer ofte leder en ind i.

More and more people are being challenged by poor mental health and well-being; hence the designer wants to focus her design on caring for one’s self. Based on a dialogue with her surroundings, she has sought inspiration for the self-loving action and has let her observations guide the design process. The result is a collection for women aged 25-35, an age when one is often challenged when it comes to existential themes such as career, family plans, loss and illness. The collection reflects the state of mind that these themes often lead one into.

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