Sense Making by Karen Juhl Petersen



Karen Juhl Petersen
Line of study
Design for Play
CoC Playful Minds

Sense Making

MA Design for Play

HVAD? Et taktilt samlesæt der, uden facit eller resultat, faciliterer et rum for leg hvor deltagerne er medskabere.

HVORDAN? Gennem observationer af børns frie leg og deres brug af dimser og dutter har Karen Juhl Petersen undersøgt hvordan et materiale kan være igangsætter af fri leg hos den voksne. I processen har der især været fokus på, hvordan en tværfaglig tilgang imellem play design, tekstildesign og design research kan imødekomme de åbne rum, som er nødvendig for at den frie leg kan udfolde sig.

HVORFOR? Sense Making er en øjenåbner for legen, og viser hvordan aspekter af den frie leg hos børn, kan skabe værdi hos voksne.

WHAT? A tactile assembly kit that, without providing solutions or results, facilitates a space for play where the participants are co-creators.

HOW? Through observations of children's free play and their use of different small objects, Karen Juhl Petersen has investigated how a material can be an initiator of free play in adults. The process has focused particularly on how an interdisciplinary approach between play design, textile design and design research can accommodate the open spaces that are necessary for free play to unfold.

WHY? Sense Making is an eye-opener for play and shows how aspects of free play in children can create value in adults.

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