Service-tjek af systemet by Elise Jin Sandvik



Elise Jin Sandvik
Line of study
Design for People
Industrial Design
Project type

Service-tjek af systemet

Industrial Design / Design for People / MA

Service-tjek af systemet
Kommunale hjælpeordninger til borgere med handicap skal give øget frihed og livskvalitet for den enkelte. Desværre kræver det tid og kræfter at få adgang til ordningerne, og det kan give anledning til bekymringer at være afhængig af hjælp, som er forbundet med en besværlig proces. Elise Sandvik’s designforslag, Råderum, er en app der faciliterer borger-til-borger-vejledning gennem erfaringsudveksling omkring kommunale ansøgningsprocesser.

Co-designing for (dis)abilities
By offering services to individuals living with disabilities, Danish municipalities essentially provide individual freedom and improved quality of life. However, the current process of accessing the services requires much time and effort, and it can be worrying to depend on help, which is linked to a challenging process. Elise Sandvik’s design suggestion, Råderum, is an app that provides citizen-to-citizen guidance in the municipal services by exchange of experiences.

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