Sikke et spild / What a waste by Rikke Hauge



Rikke Hauge
Line of study
Design for Planet
Fashion Design
Project type


Kasserede vand- og termodragter, lastbilspresenninger, surf kites og airbags er omdannet til en kollektion af overtøj til kvinder. Sikkerhedsindustrien kasserer tekstiler, der ikke lever op til strenge standarder. Dette modeprojekt undersøger, hvordan det kasserede kan få ny værdi i et nyt design. De varmeisolerende, vand- og vindtætte egenskaber kan udnyttes, men hvad skal der til, for at kasserede materialer bliver socialt accepteret i tøj? Kan materialernes historie tilføre ekstra værdi, når vanddragtens print indgår i overtøjets design?

Discarded wet and thermal suits, lorry tarpaulins, surf kites and airbags have been transformed into a collection of outerwear for women. The security industry discards textiles that do not live up to strict standards. This fashion project explores how the discarded items can gain new value in a new design. The heat-insulating, waterproof and windproof properties can be utilized, but what does it take for discarded materials to be socially accepted in clothing? Can the history of the materials add extra value when the print of the wetsuit is included in the design of the outerwear?

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