Sikker stil by Rasmus Trøst Simonsen



Rasmus Trøst Simonsen
Line of study
Fashion Design
Project type

Sikker stil

Mode- og tekstildesign / BA

Sikker stil
I bedste workwear-tradition har Rasmus Trøst Simonsen genbrugt restmaterialer fra Viking Life-Saving Equipment og nyfortolket dem til det moderne bymiljø med vægt på funktionalitet, ergonomi og æstetik. Gore-Tex, Kevlar, Hi-Vis farver m.v. skal gøre det nemt at arbejde, leve og overleve i byen og fjerne daglige irritationsmomenter som slid i buksesyningen mellem benene, når man cykler, eller hvor man skal gøre af pung, mobil, kamera og hovedtelefoner.

Functional style
Drawing on the workwear tradition, Rasmus Trøst Simonsen has reused scraps from the production of Viking Life-Saving Equipment and reinterpreted them for the contemporary urban environment with an emphasis on function, ergonomics and aesthetics. The design uses Gore-Tex, Kevlar and Hi-Vis colours, among other elements, to facilitate working, living and surviving in the city and to eliminate daily annoyances such as the extra wear on the inseams of trouser legs for cyclists or how to carry a wallet, smartphone, camera and head phones.

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