Skabt af minder – Kollektiv aktivisme / Made by Memories - Collective Activism by Emma Baverel



Emma Baverel
Line of study
Design for People
Fashion Design
Project type


Mange af vores personlige beklædningsgenstande bærer en vigtig historie eller oplevelse i sig. Sammen med den franske start-up, Greendy Pact har designeren udviklet et system, hvor historierne overføres fysisk til tøjet i form af et broderi. Herefter kan tøjet byttes med et nyt stykke fra en anden bruger, som også kan få sit minde broderet ind i tøjet. Tøjets livsmønster udvikles således for hver ny ejer, og hvert stykke tøj bliver en unik og poetisk fortælling, der gør det attraktivt at genbruge – og at begrænse det enorme materialeforbrug i industrien.

Many of our personal garments incorporate an important story or experience. Together with the French start-up, Greendy Pact, the designer has developed a system where these stories are physically transferred to the clothes in the form of an embroidery. Afterwards the clothes can be exchanged for a new piece from another user, who can also have his or her memory embroidered into the clothes. The lifestyle of the clothing is thus developed with each new owner, and each piece of clothing becomes a unique and poetic narrative that makes it attractive to reuse – and also limits the enormous material consumption in the clothing industry.

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