Smykker, genbrugsplast og ny adfærd / Jewelry, Recycled Plastic and Behavioral Change by Eladia Euleen Dahl



Eladia Euleen Dahl
Line of study
Design for Planet
Accessory Design
Project type


Diamanter er muligvis ‘a girl’s best friend’, men til gengæld er diamant-mineindustrien en kæmpe belastning for miljøet. Derfor afsøger designeren nye veje for produktionen af de smykker, som vi gerne vil pynte os med, og som ud over deres æstetiske værdi også bærer en fortælling om historie, værdier, kultur og status. Plastik har længe været miljøets sorte får, men er faktisk et godt bud på et smykkemateriale, da plastik reelt forurener meget mindre end både glas og metal – særligt hvis vi taler om genanvendt plastik.

Diamonds may be ‘a girl’s best friend’, but conversely, the diamond mining industry is an enormous burden on the environment. Hence, the designer is seeking novel pathways for the production of the jewellery with which we are eager to adorn ourselves, and which in addition to its aesthetic value also carries a narrative of history, values, culture and status. Plastic has long been the black sheep of the environment, but it is actually a good choice of material for jewellery, as plastic, in fact, pollutes much less than both glass and metal – especially if we are talking about recycled plastic.

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