Stille / Silent by Søren Minds Johannsen



Søren Minds Johannsen
Line of study
Project type


Der er en særlig stemning om morgenen, når dagen gryer og det begynder at blive lyst. Netop tidspunktet hvor nattens mørke overgiver sig til dagens lys symboliserer i Søren Minds Johannsens strikkollektion overgangen fra natur til civilisation. I kollektionen har han udforsket, hvilke potentialer digitalt strik har i en bæredygtighedskontekst. For at sikre at kollektionen kan få flere livscyklusser, er den skabt i monomateriale, der nemt kan nedbrydes før en eventuel genanvendelse.

There is a special mood in the morning when the day dawns and it starts to get bright. In his knitwear collection, Søren Minds Johannsen has chosen this exact moment, when the darkness of the night surrenders to the light of day, to symbolize the transition from nature to civilization. In the collection, he has explored the potentials of digital knitting in a sustainability context. To ensure that the collection can have several life cycles, it is created in monomaterial that can be easily degraded before being recycled.

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