The tannery series vol. 2. by Amalie Frederikke Duborg



Amalie Frederikke Duborg
Line of study
Design for Planet
Accessory Design
Project type


Ud fra principper om cirkulær økonomi samt ’slowing the loop’ og med inspiration fra kunstens ekspressive former og farver har Amalie Frederikke Duborg designet en mulepose af garvet restlæder. Muleposen er et redesign af ECCOs taskekollektion, The Tannery Series, og er konstrueret uden foring eller hardware i form metalspænder eller lignende og kan derfor løbende blive repareret i takt med, at læderet langsomt bliver slidt og patineret. Det sikrer muleposen en lang levetid.

Based on principles of circular economy and ‘slowing the loop’ and inspired by the expressive shapes and colours of art, Amalie Frederikke Duborg has designed a tote bag from tanned leftover leather. The tote bag is a redesign of ECCO’s bag collection, The Tannery Series. It has no lining or hardware in the form of for instance metal clasps and can therefore be repaired as the leather slowly becomes worn and acquires patina, thereby extending its lifetime.

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