Til døden os skiller / Till death do us part by Katrine Kjær Nielsen



Katrine Kjær Nielsen
Line of study
Fashion Design
Project type


Nogle beklædningsgenstande gemmer på søde minder, andre gør os ukomfortable i vores egen krop – ikke mindst når kroppen har forandret sig med alderen. Designeren tager udgangspunkt i fravalgene fra sin mors garderobe for at skabe en ny kollektion ud fra det tøj, som ikke bliver brugt. Kollektionen skal give kvinden over 50 mentalt velvære og selvglæde, så tøjet får en lang levetid. Ved at genbruge tøjet, tager designeren samtidig livtag med modebranchens enorme overproduktion og forbrug af de globale ressourcer.

Some garments incorporate sweet memories, others make us uncomfortable in our own body – not least when that body has changed with age. The designer has based her project on the discarded garments from her mother's wardrobe in order to create a novel collection founded on the clothes that are no longer being used. The collection is meant to offer the woman over 50 mental well-being and self-satisfaction, while also prolonging the life of the garments. By reusing the clothes, the designer simultaneously takes on the fashion industry's enormous overproduction and the consumption of global resources.

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