Traditionel vævning tackler nutidens affald by Sofia Catalina Fiorentino Sarrate



Sofia Catalina Fiorentino Sarrate
Line of study
Design for Planet
Fashion Design
Project type

Traditionel vævning tackler nutidens affald

Fashion & Textile Design / Design for Planet / MA

Traditionel vævning tackler nutidens affald
Projektet ANTHROPOWASTE handler om at bruge oprindelige væveteknikker til at omdanne tekstilrester fra modehuset Henrik Vibskov til værdifulde ressourcer. Projektet konceptualiseres, så det kan bruges andre steder i branchen. Med introduktionen af traditionel vævning i projektet hylder Sofia Catalina Fiorentino Sarrate sin latinamerikanske baggrund og det oprindelige langsomme og omhyggelige håndværk.

Traditional weaving tackles contemporary waste
The ANTHROPOWASTE project is about using traditional weaving techniques to transform left-over fabric from the Henrik Vibskov fashion house into valuable resources. The conceptual project is applicable across the industry. With the introduction of traditional weaving in this project Sofia Catalina Fiorentino Sarrate celebrates her own Latin American background and an original, slow and painstaking craft.

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