Vejen til skatten / Roadmap to Treasures by Aitana Kugeler



Aitana Kugeler
Line of study
Design for People
Communication Design
Project type


Museer og kulturelle institutioner generelt leder i stigende grad efter måder, hvorpå de kan invitere publikum ind i den meningsskabende proces. For at forbedre oplevelsen for gæsterne og samtidig bygge bro mellem personale og besøgende har Aitana Kugeler på baggrund af en involverende designproces designet en række oplevelsesfunderede forslag til Luxembourgs National Museum of History and Art. Forslagene indeholder brochurer og elementer til at finde vej samt en interaktiv museumsguide med titlen ’Bliv helt væk i museet’, som inviterer besøgende til at udforske museets samlinger på en legende måde.

Museums and cultural institutions in general are increasingly seeking ways to engage audiences in the meaning-making process. Looking to improve the visitor experience while also bridging the gap between staff and visitors, Aitana Kugeler has designed experience-based suggestions for Luxembourg’s National Museum of History and Art based on a participatory design process. Part of the final proposals are visitor brochures, wayfinding tools and an interactive museum guide called ‘Get Lost in the Museum’ that invites visitors to explore the museum’s collections in a playful manner.

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