Verden består af en samling af stykker / The world is a collection of fragments by Caroline Egedesø



Caroline Egedesø
Line of study
Project type


Vores ressourceforbrug sætter planeten under pres. Derfor er det af enorm betydning, at vi udviser omsorg for dens ressourcer. Designeren tror på, at vi gennem sanselige oplevelser kan genskabe forbindelsen med disse. Gennem en række offentlige interventioner har hun iscenesat menneskeskabte materialer i naturen. Projektet er forankret i Kolding, da materialerne er indsamlet her, men budskabet er det samme, ligegyldigt hvem modtageren er, eller hvor denne bor. Vi må udvise omsorg, omtanke og handle NU, hvis vi skal give en planet videre til fremtidige generationer.

Our resource consumption puts a substantial strain on the planet. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that we take care of the earth’s resources. The designer believes that we can reconnect with these resources by means of sensory experiences. Through a series of public interventions, she has staged man-made materials in nature. The project is based in Kolding, since the materials have been collected here, but the message is the same, irrespective of who the recipient is or where he or she lives. We have to show care and consideration and act NOW if we are to hand over the planet to future generations.

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